Sunday, September 21, 2014

Blessed Mabon!

Today is the start of Mabon (September 21 – 23). This is the time of balance between light and dark, the time of the true thanksgiving, when the Harvest is realized and thanks are given for the abundance received. This is the second Harvest, the harvest of all crops grown and reaped. It’s when we prepare for the descent into the darkness of winter. I just wanted to wish you a blessed Mabon! May your harvest be abundant, your winter warm and prosperous and your lives always and forever full of love.

Friday, September 19, 2014

I promise not to hold the past against myself…

So many times people come to me saying, "what if…" In reality, these words should never be. The problems, weaknesses, setback, regrets and mistakes that you've been through are there to teach you something but you must be willing to learn from them, not say "what if…" So, stop being so hard on yourself and allow these things to teach you something that you didn't know at that time. Remember, you're doing your best with what you've been given and each lesson is a stepping stone so that you can do things differently now. Instead of worrying about how things could have been, look at how much you've grown as a person instead.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


I don’t tend to take a lot of time off, that’s just not me. In fact, my daughter recently compared me to Joan Rivers (who’s been known to also have had her Tarot cards read in the past) in that she thinks we’ll both work until we’re dead. God rest her soul, Joan Rivers did that but I’m determined not to. So, I’ve started “forcing” myself to take some time off and yesterday was 1 of those days. We went and spent it at some rocks near a river. It felt so good and I feel so much better, too bad winter will soon be here and that’s probably the last time we’ll be at those rocks until next June. Water does something good for me that I can’t explain so I’ll miss it but at least for now, I’m back and ready to minister to you J

Saturday, September 6, 2014

A season of change...

I woke up this morning with a vision… A vision of how I want to do things and how I want things to look. It’s hard for me to make changes in my life as I tend to be very resistant to them but I do know and understand that sometimes they’re necessary so that we can keep growing as a person. I’ve recently gone through yet another season of change in my life (something that seems to happen every year) and have made some changes in order to align myself with these changes. I’m sure you’ll be taking note of them, coming soon…

P.S. Take a look at my Keen page and you’ll see 1 of the changes I made this morning ;)

Friday, September 5, 2014

Relationship woes...

…not mine, yours!

Sometimes I don’t get it… Why do people think they have to cheat in order to be able to move on. They may say that they don’t want anyone to get hurt but don’t they realize that the person they’re trying to protect is only going to be hurt worse by them cheating on them? While I see mainly women being hurt by this, I’m sure they’re not the only ones being cheated on. I’m sure men are hurt by it too. It’s just that women are more likely to get a Tarot reading. So, while the photo puts it in a “humorous” way, think about the truth in it – Don’t cheat! Just move on.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


God not only answers prayers but He’s also given us the ability to manifest our own destiny. Part of this sometimes calls for us to use what are referred to as “spells.” These aren’t always easy for us to create and so sometimes we need to call upon those who truly know what they are doing, which is what you will find at

The spell casters at Wicca coven have all been hand selected and proven to be experienced in their craft. Their gifts have been put to the test, long before you ask them to cast your spell. This way you know that they really can do what you request of them. So, regardless as to whether you need help with money, health, love or any other part of your life, allow this witches coven to be of service to you.


I’m sitting here wishing I had someone to read my cards this morning… Seems life is pulling me in different directions anymore and I’d like to know what I’m really supposed to be doing. I think this is a question that we all have occasionally… What are we supposed to do with our lives? Unfortunately, I never seem to truly figure that out. I’ve been many things in life and still have many more that I probably will be. Things just pull me and if I think it will work for me, I go with it. Fortunately for you, I’m here for you and you can get the direction that you need instead of just going with it. So, if you feel like you’re at a crossroads in your life (or even if you don’t) let me do a reading for you and see what’s going on…

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My Tarot deck...

I was just thinking about the different types of Tarot cards that are in existence today. There really are a huge array of them to choose from. This is why you won’t find any 2 readers reading from the same deck (you will but you won’t, let me explain). Every reader has to find what they’re most in tune with. For instance, for me, I’ve always been drawn to Hello Kitty so, as you can well imagine, that’s the deck that I choose to use whenever I’m doing readings.  In all honesty, it doesn’t really matter what deck I use as  long as I’m in tune with it so that I can provide you with the best possible reading, which if you look at my feedback, you can see that I do ;)